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General Terms and Conditions
§ 1 General / Scope
These general terms and conditions apply to all deliveries and services and all contracts concluded with the restaurant
Maximilian Lorenz, the wine bar "heinzhermann", the restaurant Straßenküche and
the wine store Maximilian Lorenz (all hereinafter referred to as Maximilian Lorenz), in particular these
general terms and conditions apply to bookings of tables and premises, deliveries and catering
services provided by our company, including all out-of-home events within the scope of our
event catering, all events organized by us inside and outside our premises and
all sales in our sales areas (Maximilian Lorenz wine store).
These General Terms and Conditions shall also apply in commercial transactions to all future transactions, even
if we have not referred to these Terms and Conditions or have not referred to them again.
The inclusion of terms and conditions other than our own is hereby expressly rejected. They
shall not be recognized even if we do not expressly object to them after receipt.
By placing an order with us, but at the latest upon acceptance of our deliveries and/or services,
the customer accepts these terms and conditions.
Customers within the meaning of these General Terms and Conditions (GTC) can be both consumers and entrepreneurs
An entrepreneur is a natural or legal person or a partnership with legal capacity that acts in the exercise of its commercial or independent professional activity when concluding
a legal transaction. A partnership with legal capacity
is a partnership that has the capacity to acquire rights and enter into obligations
A consumer is any natural person who enters into a legal transaction for purposes that are predominantly outside their trade, business or profession
§ 2 Warranty
We provide a warranty for the contractual provision of services within the framework of the statutory provisions.
If our deliveries and/or services are defective, the defects identified in commercial transactions must be reported to
in writing without delay. Otherwise, our performance shall be deemed to have been rendered in accordance with the contract. If an immediate
written notification of defects is not possible or only possible with disproportionate effort in view of the circumstances, it must
be made as soon as the respective obstacle to a written notification has been removed.
Defects in parts of our services only entitle our customers to withdraw from the contract as a whole if the
remaining part of our services is of no interest to them.
§ 3 Right of withdrawal
In particular, we are entitled to withdraw from the contract if
- force majeure or other circumstances for which we are not responsible make it impossible to fulfill the contract,
- events are booked under misleading or false statements of material facts about the person of the customer/
the event participants or the purpose of the event,
- subletting or re-letting of the rooms provided, rooms, areas or showcases as well as invitations to job interviews,
sales or similar events without our prior written consent
- food and drinks brought by the customer are consumed on our premises,
- we have reasonable grounds to believe that the event may jeopardize the smooth running of our business,
safety or our public reputation.
- the premises are legitimately used - on the basis of corresponding contractual agreements with us
by certain event organizers at times that conflict in whole or in part with the customer's planned use of the premises
§ 4 Political and/or questionable event
If a political event or an event regarded as questionable in the Federal Republic of Germany
is held without the prior consent of the contractor, or if there is reasonable cause to believe that the event threatens to jeopardize the smooth operation of
, the safety or reputation of the hotel or our guests, Maximilian Lorenz
may withdraw from the contract.
As soon as we have knowledge of the existence of the conditions for exercising the right of withdrawal, we shall inform the customer
immediately whether we are exercising our right of withdrawal.
In the event of justified withdrawal from the contract on our part, the customer shall not be entitled to claim damages.
§ 5 Liability for third-party services
Insofar as we arrange third-party services (temporary employment agencies, artists) or procure such services at the request of our customers,
we act on behalf of and for the account of the customer. We endeavor to select these third parties carefully.
However, we are not obliged to check their deliveries or services in the interest of our customers or to point out
actual or legal defects in the services of these third parties.
Claims against us arising from defective performance by third parties, regardless of the legal grounds, are excluded.
§ 6 Publication rights
The customer expressly agrees vis-à-vis Maximilian Lorenz that the latter may advertise the event
and, in particular, use it as a reference event in all media (e.g. press, Internet, newsletter, homepage)
, including the publication of photos, free of charge and without restriction. When publishing
photographs, Maximilian Lorenz must observe the personal rights and the rights of third parties to their own image.
§ 7 Retention of title
For all orders, Maximilian Lorenz shall retain title to the delivered goods until full payment
of the purchase price. Both simple, extended and expanded retention of title are hereby agreed.
§ 8 Kündigung und Stornierung
Der Vertrag ist nur aus wichtigem Grund kündbar oder stonierbar.
Bei einer Stornierung des Auftrages, insbesondere Cateringverträge, sind vom Auftraggeber folgende Kosten zu tragen:
• i.H. von 10 % der vereinbarten Vergütungen bei Kündigung/Stornierung bis 30 Tage vor Veranstaltungsbeginn
• i.H. von 25 % der vereinbarten Vergütungen bei Kündigung/Stornierung bis 14 Tage vor Veranstaltungsbeginn
• i.H. von 50 % der vereinbarten Vergütungen bei Kündigung/Stornierung bis 7 Tage vor Veranstaltungsbeginn
• i.H. von 75 % der vereinbarten Vergütungen bei Kündigung/Stornierung bis 3 Tage vor Veranstaltungsbeginn
• i.H. von 100 % der vereinbarten Vergütungen bei Kündigung/Stornierung < 3 Tagen vor Veranstaltungsbeginn
Cancellations of table reservations in one of our restaurants are excluded from this cancellation policy.
Cancellations made up to 24 hours before the date stated in the reservation can be canceled free of charge
, cancellations made after 24 hours after the date stated in the reservation will be subject to a no-
show fee of €150.00 per person in our gourmet restaurant and a no-show fee of €50.00 per person
in our wine bar heinzhermann.
§ 9 Zahlung / Zahlungsbedingungen
Alle Preise im kaufmännischen Verkehr verstehen sich zuzüglich der gesetzlichen Mehrwertsteuer / im privaten Verkehr
inklusive gesetzlicher Mehrwertsteuer. Angebote, die sich auf das Restaurant beziehen, insbesondere Speisekarten, verstehen
sich in jedem Fall inklusive MwSt.
Rechnungen, sind innerhalb von 14 Tagen ab Zugang ohne Abzug zahlbar, der Rechnungszugang kann auch per Fax oder
Email erfolgen. Der Zahlungsverzug tritt gegenüber Unternehmern mit dem 15. Tage ab Zugang der Rechnung automatisch
ein. Maximilian Lorenz ist berechtigt dann Zinsen in Höhe der gesetzlichen Möglichkeiten in Anspruch zu nehmen. Die Geltendmachung
eines weiteren Verzugsschadens wird hierdurch nicht berührt.
Der Veranstalter kann nur mit unstreitigen oder rechtskräftig festgestellten Forderungen gegenüber Ansprüchen von Maximilian
Lorenz aufrechnen. Bei fruchtlosem Verstreichen einer Nachfrist von 14. Tagen mit Ablehnungsandrohung kann
Maximilian Lorenz vom Vertrag zurücktreten. Bei berechtigtem Rücktritt durch Maximilian Lorenz hat der Veranstalter keinen
Anspruch auf Schadenersatz.
Sämtliche Preisauszeichnungen und -vereinbarungen verstehen sich auch ohne ausdrückliche Bezeichnung als solche in
EURO (EUR / €).
Zahlungen gelten uns gegenüber erst mit der Gutschrift auf einem unserer Konten als vorgenommen, so dass wir Schecks,
Wechsel und Akzepte nur erfüllungshalber annehmen. Dabei anfallende Spesen, insbesondere bei Zahlungen oder Überweisungen
aus dem Ausland, gleich welcher Art, gehen zu Lasten des Zahlungspflichtigen. Ferner leisten wir keine Gewähr
für rechtzeitiges Vorzeigen, Protesterhebung und rechtzeitige Rückgabe der Schecks, Wechsel und Akzepte.
Kommt der Kunde mit der Zahlung unserer Rechnung in Verzug, sind wir berechtigt, Verzugszinsen in Höhe von 5 Prozentpunkten
über dem jeweiligen Basiszinssatz der Europäischen Zentralbank bei Verbrauchern im Sinne des § 13 BGB bzw. in
Höhe von 8 Prozentpunkten über dem jeweiligen Basiszinssatz der Europäischen Zentralbank in allen übrigen Fällen zu verlangen.
Bei allen Bestellungen, Reservierungen oder Veranstaltungsbuchungen sind wir berechtigt, 60 % des Auftragswertes bis
zum zehnten Werktag vor unserer Leistungserbringung als Vorauszahlung zu verlangen. Die Vorauszahlungen sind durch
Überweisung auf das jeweils von uns angegebene Konto zu leisten.
Kommt der Kunde mit dem Ausgleich von Vorauszahlungen in Verzug, sind wir berechtigt, alle insbesondere vorbereitende,
Leistungen bis zur Zahlung zurückzuhalten oder einzustellen oder vom Vertrag zurückzutreten.
Soweit Umstände, insbesondere die Einleitung von Zwangsvollstreckungsmaßnahmen, eintreten, die Zweifel an der Bonität
unseres Kunden aufkommen lassen, können wir Vorauszahlungen bis zur Höhe der vollen Auftragssumme verlangen oder
vom Vertrag zurücktreten. Sofern wir in einem solchen Fall vom Vertrag zurücktreten, sind wir berechtigt, zusätzlich 25 %
der Bruttoauftragssumme als pauschalierten Schadensersatz zu verlangen. Die Geltendmachung eines darüber hinausgehenden
Schadens bleibt hiervon unberührt.
Maximilian Lorenz hat das Recht, insbesondere bei längerfristig geplanten Veranstaltungen und Bestellungen, bei einer
Überschreitung des Zeitraums von 4 Monaten zwischen Vertragsschluss und Veranstaltungsbeginn, eine Preisänderung
vorzunehmen. Diese Preisänderung entspricht prozentual der Preiserhöhung der benötigten Waren oder Leistungen.
Grundlage einer solchen Preisänderung können daher nur Umstände sein, die bei Nichtanpassung zu einer Gewinnschmälerung
bei Maximilian Lorenz führen würden (insbesondere Steigerung der Produktions- und Personalkosten, Steigerung
der Einkaufspreise, Erhöhung der gesetzlichen Umsatzsteuer). Dem Kunden wird ein Kündigungsrecht eingeräumt, wenn
diese Erhöhung einer Preiserhöhung von mehr als 20 % der vereinbarten Leistungen entspricht.
Der Kunde ist verpflichtet Maximilian Lorenz unverzüglich nach Auftragsbestätigung die korrekte Rechnungsanschrift mitzuteilen.
Für das erneute Ausstellen einer Rechnung an einen korrigierten Rechnungsempfänger kann Maximilian Lorenz eine
Bearbeitungsgebühr i.H. von 3,00 € berechnen.
Für angemietete oder sonst überlassene Gegenstände obliegt dem Kunden von der Übernahme bis zur Rückgabe an Maximilian
Lorenz die Sorgfaltspflicht. Bei Beschädigung oder Verlust durch Verschulden des Kunden, oder ihm zurechenbares
Verschulden, insbesondere seiner Angestellten oder Gäste werden die Kosten der Wiederbeschaffung, beziehungsweise
der Reparatur, dem Kunden in Rechnung gestellt. Der Kunde hat die Möglichkeit einen Nachweis darüber zu führen, dass
ein Schaden überhaupt nicht oder in geringerer Höhe entstanden ist. In diesem Fall beschränkt sich die Erstattungspflicht
des Kunden auf den von ihm nachgewiesenen Betrag. Mitgebrachte Gegenstände müssen den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen
entsprechen (z.B. Brandschutz bei Dekoration). Sie sind bei Ende der Veranstaltung unverzüglich zu entfernen, andernfalls
hat der Kunde die Kosten für den Abtransport und die Lagerung zu tragen.
§ 10 Delivery and performance time
Binding delivery dates must be in writing.
Timely provision of our deliveries and services requires compliance with any agreed schedule
on the part of the customer and any third parties involved in an event as well as unchanged,
in particular technical and organizational, framework conditions. Disruptions to the schedule for which we are not responsible
and those due to force majeure (e.g. in particular compliance with statutory provisions, compliance
with pandemic regulations, strikes, lockouts, natural disasters, acts of violence or attacks) shall release us
from compliance with bindingly agreed deadlines and dates for the period during which the disruption to the schedule and operations
persists. Any exceeding of our delivery times or deadlines caused by this shall only entitle our customers to withdraw from the contract under
the conditions of § 313 para. 3 BGB (German Civil Code). Our customers shall have no further claims
in such cases.
Claims for late performance of our services or late delivery are
limited to 5% of the net order value, unless our failure to deliver on time is due to intent or gross negligence
or renders our performance worthless for our customer. In such cases, our obligation to pay damages
shall be limited to the damages recognizable at the time of conclusion of the contract, unless we have been informed in writing in good time of the risk of
unusually high damages caused by delay. In this case, our obligation to pay damages is limited to
the order value.
§ 11 Offsetting and right of retention
Offsetting against our payment claims is only possible with undisputed or legally established counterclaims
Our customers are not entitled to assert a right of retention on items
lent, rented or otherwise made available by us.
§ 12 Customer's obligation to accept
When providing food and beverages, only an immediate acceptance of our
deliveries and/or services comes into question. Our customers are therefore obliged to accept or take delivery of the goods and services provided by us
in due time and quality. If this is not possible or not possible in good time or if
the customer refuses to take delivery or acceptance for reasons for which we are not responsible or without giving reasons,
the risk of accidental loss of our delivery or service shall pass to the customer at the time of provision of the goods
and services. In this case, we shall be released from our respective performance obligations.
§ 13 Partial deliveries
We are entitled to make partial deliveries, unless these are excluded by the nature of the services to be provided by us
§ 14 Quality specifications
If our offer specifications deviate from our general product descriptions, our samples or our presentations, only the specifications and descriptions in our offer shall be binding.
Variations in the size, appearance, weight, consistency, taste,
smell or other properties of the foodstuffs processed by us are unavoidable. We shall only assume liability for certain qualities and properties of our
deliveries and services if these qualities and/or properties
have been expressly designated by us in writing in advance as legally binding properties and recognized as such
Changes to our products and services caused by external factors beyond our control (in particular
environmental influences, technical conditions on site) may be passed on to
our customers without restriction, without our customers being able to derive any claims against us from this.
§ 15 Exclusion of liability for food brought along
Food may only be brought along with the express prior consent of Maximilian Lorenz.
Any liability of Maximilian Lorenz for food brought along, as well as for food that the customer does not consume immediately
but takes along to consume outside the business or the event premises, is expressly excluded
§ 16 Order acceptance
All offers are non-binding until the order is accepted.
§ 17 Offers, conclusion of contract and contract amendments
Verbal or telephone offers for services and deliveries from our company are only valid if they are confirmed by us
in writing without delay. Reservations of tables or premises also only become binding upon
our written confirmation.
Our offers lose their validity if we do not receive a written declaration of acceptance within a period of
ten working days after receipt of our offer by the customer.
If customers order our services on their part and repeat this order at a later date (e.g. in the case of
orders sent by telephone or e-mail), customers are obliged to expressly refer to their first contact
. Otherwise, we will treat each order separately and, in the event of cancellation, process it as a separate
Deviations from our offer require our written confirmation. This also applies to any waiver
of the written form requirement itself. However, the written form requirement itself is met if the written confirmation
is made by e-mail.
Amendments to the contract also require our written confirmation.
§ Section 18 Additional costs
All additional costs, such as electricity, water and janitorial services during the event shall be the responsibility of the customer.
Exceptions must be agreed with Maximilian Lorenz before the contract is concluded and must be in writing.
Additional services such as bands, special prints for menu cards or floral decorations as well as any permit fees incurred for the booked event
shall be charged separately. Musicians and artists' fees must either be settled directly by the organizer
or made available to us in advance.
§ Section 19 Liability towards the customer
The customer or guest shall bear the sole liability risk for objects and materials left behind in generally accessible
rooms or event rooms of the hotel.
The organizer shall be deemed to be the person acting as the client vis-à-vis the hotel; if this person is not also the actual
organizer, the organizer and the person acting as the authorized representative shall be liable as joint and several debtors.
The subletting or re-letting of the rooms, areas or showcases provided as well as invitations to interviews,
sales or similar events shall require the prior written consent of Maximilian
Lorenz. If such consent has not been granted, Maximilian Lorenz shall be entitled to have the premises provided vacated
without losing its claim to consideration.
Musicians' and artists' fees must be made available in advance by the organizer to
if Maximilian Lorenz is commissioned to perform. Any GEMA fees incurred shall generally be borne by the organizer. The organizer shall also be responsible for the corresponding
We shall pay compensation in the event of injury to life, limb or health in the event of any form of culpability
and in the event of a breach of material contractual obligations in the event of intent or gross negligence.
With the exception of damages to life, limb or
health, the amount of compensation to be paid by the contractor is limited to those damages that were recognizable to us when the respective contract was concluded, unless
our customer has expressly informed us in writing of the risk of particularly high damages. In this case,
our liability for damages shall be limited to the amount of the order.
If our customer has insurance cover for the damage incurred by him, Maximilian
Lorenz's compensation shall be limited to the disadvantages not covered by the insurance cover (higher insurance premiums, etc.).
Maximilian Lorenz has business liability insurance. The liability of Maximilian Lorenz shall be limited to the sum insured
of this insurance in the amount of EUR 5,000,000. The organizer is hereby informed,
, that he shall be responsible for any extended insurance cover. Upon request, Maximilian
Lorenz shall provide the client with a corresponding insurance confirmation. Without the timely request
of such an insurance confirmation, a shortfall in the insurance cover cannot be claimed
We shall not provide any compensation for loss of profit or immaterial losses.
Insofar as the liability of Maximilian Lorenz is limited or excluded, this shall also apply to its employees, representatives
and vicarious agents.
§ 20 Technical facilities
The organizer shall provide Maximilian Lorenz with the necessary technical facilities free of charge
in the case of off-site catering. If this is not done up to 6 hours before the event, Maximilian Lorenz shall be entitled to have the necessary
technical facilities provided. The organizer undertakes to pay Maximilian Lorenz the invoiced costs,
plus an additional 25% of the costs. If the organizer does not provide any technical
facilities, Maximilian Lorenz shall be entitled to cancel the event until its start; in this case, the
organizer undertakes to pay 70% of the food and beverage sales (in accordance with the
offer price stated in the offer). The organizer shall indemnify Maximilian Lorenz against third-party claims insofar as Maximilian
Lorenz has not acted with gross negligence or intent. The organizer shall be obliged to inform Maximilian Lorenz in writing
of any factors that increase the risk (also with regard to the premises provided).
If Maximilian Lorenz procures technical and other equipment from third parties for the customer at the latter's request,
it shall act in the name of, on behalf of and for the account of the customer. The customer shall be liable for the careful handling
and the proper return of the equipment. He shall indemnify Maximilian Lorenz against all third-party claims arising from the provision of these
The use of the customer's own electrical equipment using the electricity network of Maximilian Lorenz
shall require the latter's written consent. Any malfunctions or damage
to Maximilian Lorenz's technical equipment caused by the use of these devices shall be borne by the customer, unless Maximilian Lorenz is responsible for them
. Maximilian Lorenz shall be entitled to record and invoice the electricity costs arising from the use at a reasonable flat rate
The customer shall be entitled to use its own telephone, fax and data transmission equipment
with the consent of Maximilian Lorenz. Maximilian Lorenz may charge a reasonable connection fee for this.
Faults in technical or other equipment provided by Maximilian Lorenz shall be rectified immediately if possible
. Payments may not be withheld or reduced insofar as Maximilian Lorenz is not responsible for these
§ Section 21 Number of participants
The client undertakes to inform Maximilian Lorenz in writing of the exact number of participants and the definitive choice of food and
drinks no later than 7 working days before the event. The calculation shall be made
on the basis of the registered persons; the information provided by the client shall be deemed to be guaranteed contractual content and
shall be taken into account accordingly in the final invoice. For guests who do not show up, the agreed price
less the expenses saved will be charged. Additional guests may be refused. Otherwise, an additional payment will be due for
them in the amount of the price agreed for the other guests. Orders for food, drinks, additional material, personnel, etc. that go beyond the agreement made
will be charged separately according to Maximilian Lorenz's
list prices. Changes 48 hours before the start of the event or failure to notify
the guaranteed number of participants shall result in Maximilian Lorenz providing the service in accordance with the
offer. Any disadvantages incurred by the organizer as a result shall not be borne by Maximilian Lorenz.
§ Section 22 Data processing and data protection
The electronic processing
of customer data is essential for proper business organization and the provision of services in accordance with the contract. The customer hereby expressly consents to such processing of his data.
§ Section 23 Obligations of the customer when using our premises
If a customer uses premises provided by Maximilian Lorenz for event purposes, it shall treat these
with care.
The customer shall be solely responsible for the use of additional technical or mechanical equipment and other event resources, which
must be agreed with us in advance. He shall protect guests at the event from any
danger and ensure the proper use of such equipment.
Any decoration material brought along must comply with the fire police requirements. Maximilian Lorenz shall be entitled to request
proof of this. Due to possible damage to the building and/or inventory,
the installation and attachment of objects must be agreed with Maximilian Lorenz in advance. Maximilian Lorenz may prohibit
the customer from bringing in decorations or event equipment of any kind if, in its
reasonable opinion, these do not comply with the statutory or official regulations for the use of our
premises or if these contradict the contractual regulations between Maximilian Lorenz and its
landlord or lessor. The customer shall not be entitled to assert any rights arising from this prohibition.
The exhibition or other items brought along shall be removed immediately after the end of the event.
If the customer fails to do so, Maximilian Lorenz shall be entitled to remove and store them at the customer's expense.
Unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing with Maximilian Lorenz, the customer alone shall be obliged to respect
mandatory third-party rights (in particular copyrights) and, if necessary, to obtain all necessary declarations from third parties (in particular from GEMA) and/or all
necessary official permits, authorizations, concessions or other approvals in good time, but no later than
ten working days before an event, and to submit them to Maximilian
Lorenz without being requested to do so.
If necessary declarations by third parties or official permits or authorizations within the meaning of the above clause
are not submitted, not submitted in full or not submitted on time, Maximilian Lorenz shall be entitled not to make our premises available for the event
. The customer's obligation to pay the agreed remuneration shall remain unaffected.
If claims are asserted against Maximilian Lorenz by third parties or government agencies due to the absence of the necessary declarations by third parties or official permits or authorizations
, the customer shall indemnify Maximilian Lorenz against any
liability arising from such claims.
The occasional or even only partial use of the premises made available by Maximilian Lorenz for
commercial purposes, including the promotion, sale or advertising of goods and/or
services, as well as the affixing of any form of advertising or information material shall require written permission
from Maximilian Lorenz.
Music may generally be played at events on the premises of Maximilian Lorenz until 1.00 a.m.,
after which the room volume may not be exceeded. The event itself must end by 3.00 a.m. at the latest.
§ Section 24 Cancellation policy regarding the right of revocation in certain cases
If you are an entrepreneur (see section 1.2 of our GTC) within the meaning of Section 14 of the German Civil Code (BGB), the
right of revocation does not apply. For consumers (any natural person who enters into a legal transaction for purposes that are predominantly
outside their trade, business or profession), the following applies to services
and deliveries of goods:
§ Section 25 Right of withdrawal
In the case of a contract concluded outside of business premises and in the case of a contract concluded
exclusively using means of distance communication in the area of e-commerce, or e-mail,
fax, telephone, letter etc. without personal contact (distance contracts in accordance with Section 312 c BGB), the consumer has a right of withdrawal in accordance with Section 355 BGB. You have the right to withdraw from the concluded
contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period is 14 days from the date of conclusion of the contract. The right of revocation is excluded in the statutory
cases specified in Section 312 g (2) BGB.
To exercise your right of revocation, you must inform us
Maximilian Lorenz
Johannisstraße 64, 50668 Cologne
Phone: 0221/37999192
of your decision to revoke
this contract by means of a clear declaration (e.g. a letter sent by post, telephone, fax or email). You can use the attached model withdrawal form,
, but this is not mandatory.
To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the
withdrawal period has expired.
§ 25.1 Consequences of withdrawal
If you withdraw from this contract, Maximilian Lorenz shall reimburse to you all payments received from you up to that point
without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which Maximilian Lorenz is informed about your decision to withdraw from
this contract. For this repayment, Maximilian Lorenz will use the same means of payment
that you used for the original transaction, unless expressly agreed otherwise
with you. The costs of returning the goods shall be borne by the customer.
If you have requested that the provision of the services should begin during the withdrawal period,
you shall pay Maximilian Lorenz the amount of money that was contractually agreed for the provision of these services
§ 25.2 Information on the expiry of the right of withdrawal
The right of withdrawal expires at the latest twelve months and 14 days after the date specified in § 356 paragraph 2 BGB or § 355 paragraph 2 sentence
2 BGB.
§ 25.3 Information on the premature expiry of the right of withdrawal
The right of withdrawal shall expire prematurely in the case of a contract for the provision of services if Maximilian Lorenz provides the
service in full after the consumer has given his express consent and
has simultaneously confirmed his knowledge that he will lose his right of withdrawal upon complete fulfillment of the contract by Maximilian
§ 25.4 Sample withdrawal form
(If you wish to withdraw from the contract, please fill out this form and send it back to us.)
Maximilian Lorenz
Johannisstraße 64, 50668 Cologne
Phone: 0221/37999192
I/we (*) hereby give notice that I/we (*) withdraw from my/our (*) contract for the supply of
the following service (*) __________________________________________________________________
Ordered on (*) __________________________________________________________________
Received on (*) __________________________________________________________________
Name of customer(s) __________________________________________________________________
Address of customer(s) __________________________________________________________________
Date, signature of customer(s)
(*) Delete as appropriate.
§25.5 Compensation after revocation in the event of damage to the goods
The customer shall avoid damaging or contaminating the goods sent to him.
The goods shall be returned to Maximilian Lorenz
in their original packaging with all accessories and with all packaging components. If necessary, protective outer packaging shall be used. If the customer no longer has the original packaging
at his disposal, he must ensure that the goods are adequately protected from damage in transit
by using other suitable packaging. If the consumer has exercised his right of withdrawal and returned the goods, he is liable for
compensation if the returned goods have suffered a loss in value
due to damage or contamination.
§ 26 Liability for defects, warranty rights, liability
All our goods are subject to statutory liability for defects. The statutory
regulations apply to liability and warranty.
Complaints and obvious defects regarding delivered goods can only be considered if the complaint
is made immediately upon receipt of the goods or immediately upon collection. Later complaints can
no longer be considered. The exchange of goods incorrectly ordered by the customer is not possible in the case of foodstuffs and luxury foods
. Concealed defects in delivered goods (perishable foodstuffs) must be reported to Maximilian Lorenz immediately,
within 2 days of discovery at the latest. Maximilian Lorenz shall assume no liability for improper storage
by the customer.
§ Section 27 Liability of the client
If the client is not also the customer and has not clearly indicated to Maximilian Lorenz
that it is acting on behalf of another party, the client shall be liable to Maximilian Lorenz as a contractual partner or as
joint and several debtor.
The customer shall be liable for any damage to or improper treatment of the property of Maximilian Lorenz or
of the premises provided by the latter, irrespective of whether such damage or treatment is caused by the customer himself
or by third parties on the occasion of the event organized by him.
The customer shall also be liable for any damage caused to third parties in the premises provided by
as a result of the event, insofar as Maximilian Lorenz is not responsible for such damage. The customer shall already now irrevocably indemnify Maximilian Lorenz
against all claims that third parties may assert against Maximilian Lorenz due to such damage.
§ 28 Applicable law, place of jurisdiction and place of performance
The contractual relationship shall be governed exclusively by German law. The place of jurisdiction and place of performance for all disputes
arising from or in connection with our deliveries and/or services is Cologne for both parties if the customer is a registered trader
and the contract is part of his commercial business.
These terms and conditions and the entire legal relationship between the customer and us shall be governed by substantive
German law to the exclusion of the provisions of German private international law.
§ Section 29 Information for consumers on out-of-court dispute resolution
Information obligation under the ODR Regulation (Art. 14 (1) ODR Regulation)
Link to the EU Commission's platform for online dispute resolution:
Our email address is:
§ 29.1 Obligation to provide information in accordance with the Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (§ 36 VSBG)
We are not obliged to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board and
are generally not prepared to do so.
§ 30 Recognition of the General Terms and Conditions
By placing an order, but at the latest upon acceptance of deliveries or services, the customer agrees
that these General Terms and Conditions shall apply and have been effectively incorporated as an integral part of the contract
between Maximilian Lorenz and the customer.
§ Section 31Non-identity between customer and client
The sole contractual partner of Maximilian Lorenz shall be the customer. Maximilian Lorenz shall not enter into any contractual
agreements with third parties; this shall be the sole responsibility of the customer.
§ 32 Final provisions
Deviating agreements, supplements or ancillary agreements must be made in writing to be effective. The
written form shall be deemed to have been complied with if the deviating agreement, amendment or collateral agreement is made by e-mail correspondence
. It must be clear from the e-mail correspondence that the contractual partner and Maximilian
Lorenz agree to the deviating agreement, amendment or collateral agreement. Unilateral amendments, additions
or subsidiary agreements by the customer shall be invalid.
Should individual provisions of these General Terms and Conditions be invalid or void, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions
. In all other respects, the statutory provisions shall apply.